brahmacharya - moderation

This term in yoga we are working through the Yamas and the Niyamas, ways to live better with others, and ourselves. Brahmacharya is the 4thYama, and is about ‘right use of energy’, often translated as non-excess or moderation in all things.

It’s about being discerning in how you spend your energy and aware of your 'set point', to maintain your balance, or alignment; staying integrated in all you do. Not tipping over to too much or indeed too little in either energy or effort.

As Jennie Lee reminds us in her book ‘True Yoga’, ‘It’s about balancing work, play, creativity and service to others’ and deciding consciously where to expend energy. Noticing if an area of your life is monopolising your energy and if other areas aren’t being honoured because you lack the energy to fuel them?

discern the right balance of energy to expend in each area of your life

Brahmacharya reminds us to discern the right balance of energy to expend in each area of our lives, to stay energised and integrated. And remembering everyone is different. We all have a different point of equilibrium - what is just the right amount of energy to spend on any aspect of our lives. Even with something as day to day as coffee - one cup might be the right amount for one person, three for another or perhaps no coffee is the best use of 'energy' for you? So too with work - what is the right effort to put in - sometimes we put in too much, other times it may be too little. It’s also about the approach and attitudes we bring to work which can affect the energy we expend, or how we expend our energy. Knowing what the right balance of energy and effort is for you, to stay balanced and not tipping too far in one direction. 

what is the right effort to put in - sometimes we put in too much, other times it may be too little

Considering also how much energy you spend on your relationships; checking this week, is it always the 'right use of your energy' or do you sometimes need to pull back from particular conversations or issues, or take more of a stand, to preserve your energy and also maintain your integrity.

This week aware of how you use your energy and if you need to pull back or give some more - just like on our mats, we listen to our bodies as to whether we push a little further in a pose or pull back; so too in other aspects of our lives.

Reflecting this week on an aspect of your life which could benefit from right use of energy; where you may be a little off balance, giving too much or too little to an aspect of your life. It could be relationships, work, physical activity, nutrition, or rest. Resolving to be aware of the right use of your energy this week. And, notice, when your energy levels are out of balance, what is it that brings you back home, to your centre? 

The article below contains some more thoughts on right use of energy in life for you to enjoy.

Nicky’s yoga classes are a gentle, hatha style, suitable for beginners. 

Along with teaching weekly yoga classes in Beaumaris, Bayside Melbourne, Nicky is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (PACFA), coach and mindfulness meditation teacher.

Get in touch with Nicky to find out more.



aparigraha - letting go


Inner Resource - a meditation focus