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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

problem - smile

Think of a problem in your life, and invite yourself to smile….to not fight it… and as you do, remembering you have control of YOUR situation (how you choose to respond), you are you, not your problem… and inviting in some peace.

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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

connection - asana

In our Flourish yoga classes we focus on what our bodies can do for us, not the limitations we may have.

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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

the gunas

Tuning in to how the gunas are operating in your life – the rajasic energy of some activities, the tamasic grounded, unwinding of other activities, and the sattvic calm that comes, appears at certain times… and begin to tune in to what feeds each of these?

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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

asana - steady & easy seat

Traditionally asana was only 1 aspect of yoga – and in the yoga sutras asana is simply referred to as β€˜steady, easy seat’  which was used by yogis to sit, in padmasana, lotus pose, or a variation, for long periods of meditation.

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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

tapas - self discipline

When do I need to remind myself the greater gains are more beneficial than the obstacles and distractions, and the instant gratification?

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