is there an area of my life that needs more attention?

Reflecting this week, ‘Is there an area of my life that needs more attention’... or can I accept the way things are for now, trusting this too will pass... and balance will be restored. Resolving to either make a change or accepting it is what it is for now.

Yoga is all about balance. We practice Hatha Yoga.

In sanskrit: Ha - sun, masculine energy; Tha - moon, feminine energy. We aim to balance the opposites, or polarities, within us; for example judgement / acceptance, fear / love, intuition / reason.

We practice many balancing poses in yoga and you may find some days it's easier to find your centre of gravity, and balance. You may become aware of the ego surfacing when you are not as steady as you would like to be... and start to judge... so too in our lives.. we sometimes find it easier to balance - it may be the things we love doing with the things we need to do.. or we find ourselves spending more time in one aspect of our lives, while another area may miss some attention. This week, considering what balance means to you - either in your yoga practice... what's going on with the ego... or in your day to day life... where do I need to shift the balance, or perhaps accept the way things are for now, trusting balance will naturally restore itself


shoshin... beginners mind